
To store log messages in a database, you must enable the admin_panel_log extension, initialize the database log table, and create a handler in your ckan config file.

  1. Add admin_panel_log to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file.
  2. Initialize all missing tables with: ckan db pending-migrations --apply
  3. To register a handler, you must specify it in your CKAN configuration file. Due to some CKAN specifics, the logger needs to know the database URI to initialize itself. Provide it with the kwargs option.

    class = ckanext.ap_log.log_handlers.DatabaseHandler
    formatter = generic
    level = NOTSET
    kwargs={"db_uri": "postgresql://ckan_default:pass@localhost/master"}

  4. The logging handler must be also included in [handlers] section.

    keys = console, dbHandler

  5. The last thing you need to do is to add our handler to a logger you need. For example, if you want to log only ckan logs, do this:
    level = INFO
    handlers = console, dbHandler