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Doughnut chart

The doughnut chart is a variant of the pie chart, with a hole in the center. It is useful for showing the relationship of parts to a whole.

Title (title)

Title of the chart view

Type: str

Default: Chart

Description (description)

Description of the chart view

Type: str

Engine (engine) [Required]

Select the chart engine to use

Type: str

Default: plotly

Choices: plotly, observable, chartjs, echarts

Type (type) [Required]

Select the type of the chart, e.g. Line, Bar, Scatter, etc.

Type: str

Default: Line

Choices: Bar, Horizontal Bar, Line, Pie, Doughnut, Scatter, Bubble, Radar

Values (values) [Required]

Select a column for the values

Type: str

Names (names) [Required]

Select a column for the names

Type: str

Opacity (opacity)

Opacity level of the chart

Type: float

Default: 1

Limit (limit)

Limit the number of rows to show in the chart

Type: int

Default: 1000