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Pie chart

The pie chart is a circular statistical graphic that is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions. The arc length of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents.

Title (title)

Title of the chart view

Type: str

Default: Chart

Description (description)

Description of the chart view

Type: str

Engine (engine) [Required]

Select the chart engine to use

Type: str

Default: plotly

Choices: plotly, observable, chartjs, echarts

Type (type) [Required]

Select the type of the chart, e.g. Line, Bar, Scatter, etc.

Type: str

Default: Line

Choices: Bar, Horizontal Bar, Line, Pie, Scatter

Values (values) [Required]

Select a column for the values

Type: str

Names (names) [Required]

Select a column for the names

Type: str

Skip N/A and NULL values (skip_null_values)

Entries of the data with missing values will not be graphed or will be skipped

Type: bool

Opacity (opacity)

Opacity level of the chart

Type: float

Default: 1

Inner Radius (innerRadius)

Type: number

Stroke Width (strokeWidth)

Works only if inner radius is lower than 0


Font Size (fontSize)


Limit (limit)

Limit the number of rows to show in the chart

Type: int

Default: 1000

Width (width)

Width of the chart

Type: int

Default: 640

Height (height)

Height of the chart

Type: int

Default: 400