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Choropleth Map

The choropleth map is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the value of a variable being represented. It is useful for visualizing data that varies across geographic regions.

Title (title)

Title of the chart view

Type: str

Default: Chart

Description (description)

Description of the chart view

Type: str

Engine (engine) [Required]

Select the chart engine to use

Type: str

Default: plotly

Choices: plotly, observable, chartjs, echarts

Type (type) [Required]

Select the type of the chart, e.g. Line, Bar, Scatter, etc.

Type: str

Default: Line

Choices: Bar, Horizontal Bar, Pie, Line, Scatter, Choropleth

X Axis (x) [Required]

Select a column for the X-axes

Type: str

Y Axis (y) [Required]

Select a column for the Y-axis

Type: str

Infer ISO alpha-3 country code (infer_iso_a3)

Try to infer the ISO_A3 code from the country name.

Type: bool

Projection (projection) [Required]

Set the map projection type.

Type: text

Default: eckert5

Choices: airy, aitoff, albers, albers usa, august, azimuthal equal area, azimuthal equidistant, baker, bertin1953, boggs, bonne, bottomley, bromley, collignon, conic conformal, conic equal area, conic equidistant, craig, craster, cylindrical equalarea, cylindrical stereographic, eckert1, eckert2, eckert3, eckert4, eckert5, eckert6, eisenlohr, equal earth, equirectangular, fahey, foucaut, foucaut sinusoidal, ginzburg4, ginzburg5, ginzburg6, ginzburg8, ginzburg9, gnomonic, gringorten, gringorten quincuncial, guyou, hammer, hill, homolosine, hufnagel, hyperelliptical, kavrayskiy7, lagrange, larrivee, laskowski, loximuthal, mercator, miller, mollweide, mt flat polar parabolic, mt flat polar quartic, mt flat polar sinusoidal, natural earth, natural earth1, natural earth2, nell hammer, nicolosi, orthographic, patterson, peirce quincuncial, polyconic, rectangular polyconic, robinson, satellite, sinu mollweide, sinusoidal, stereographic, times, transverse mercator, van der grinten, van der grinten2, van der grinten3, van der grinten4, wagner4, wagner6, wiechel, winkel tripel, winkel3

Location (location_mode)

Set the location to display on the map.

Type: text

Default: world

Choices: World, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania (Australia & Pacific Islands)

Color Scale (color_scale)

Set the color scale for the choropleth map.

Type: text

Default: blue

Choices: Aazure, Aggrnyl, Agsunset, Blackbody, Bluered, Blues, Blugrn, Bluyl, Brwnyl, Bugn, Bupu, Burg, Burgyl, Cividis, Darkmint, Electric, Emrld, Gnbu, Greens, Greys, Hot, Inferno, Jet, Magenta, Magma, Mint, Orrd, Oranges, Oryel, Peach, Pinkyl, Plasma, Plotly3, Pubu, Pubugn, Purd, Purp, Purples, Purpor, Rainbow, Rdbu, Rdpu, Redor, Reds, Sunset, Sunsetdark, Teal, Tealgrn, Turbo, Viridis, Ylgn, Ylgnbu, Ylorbr, Ylorrd, Algae, Amp, Deep, Dense, Gray, Haline, Ice, Matter, Solar, Speed, Tempo, Thermal, Turbid, Armyrose, Brbg, Earth, Fall, Geyser, Prgn, Piyg, Picnic, Portland, Puor, Rdgy, Rdylbu, Rdylgn, Spectral, Tealrose, Temps, Tropic, Balance, Curl, Delta, Oxy, Edge, Hsv, Icefire, Phase, Twilight, Mrybm, Mygbm

Show Scale Ticks (show_scale_ticks)

Show the scale ticks on the colorbar.

Type: bool

Default: True

Limit (limit)

Limit the number of rows to show in the chart

Type: int

Default: 1000