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Structure of the collection


Collections are designed to describe the data. Most common logic often can be defined declaratively and all imperative commands are ether hidden deep inside different parts of collection or injected as tiny lambda-functions.

But describing the data is not simple, especially if data needs to be interactive. As result, collections have complex internal structure. Good news, you don't need to know everything in order to use the collections. As long as you need something simple, you can use the minimum of knowledge.

Look how collection with all the users from DB can be created:

from ckan import model
from ckanext.collection.shared import collection

users = collection.ModelCollection(data_settings={"model": model.User})
from ckan import model
from ckanext.collection.shared import collection, data

class Users(collection.Collection):
    DataFactory = data.ModelData.with_attributes(model=model.User)

users = Users()

For most standard use-cases, ckanext-collection already contains a number of classes that do the heavy lifting. And in future, as more popular scenarios discovered, the number of classes will grow.

Still, custom requirements are often appear in the project. Because of it, understanding how collection works and how it can be customized is the key point in building the perfect collection.


Collection itself contains just a bare minimum of logic, and real magic happens inside its services. Collection knows how to initialize services and usually the only difference between all collections, is the way their services are configured.



controls the exact data that can be received from collection. Contains logic for searching, filters, sorting, etc.


defines restrictions for data iteration. Exactly this service limits results to 10 records when you iterating over collection.


specifies how collection can be transformed into specific format. Using correct serializer you'll be able to dump the whole collection as CSV, JSON, YAML or render it as HTML table.


contains configuration of specific data columns used by other services. It may define model attributes that are dumped into CSV, names of the transformation functions that are applied to the certain attribute, names of the columns that are available for sorting in HTML representation of data.

Mainly used by serializer(controls visibility of data fields) and data(controls ability to search, filter and sort by field) services.


contains configuration of additional widgets produced during data serialization. For example, when data is serialized into an HTML table, filters can define configuration of dropdowns and input fields from the data search form.


You can define more services in custom collections. The list above only enumerates the services available in the base collection.

For example, one of built-in collections, DbCollection has additional service called db_connection that can communicate with DB.