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This service contains additional information about separate columns of data records. It defines following settings:

  • names: all available column names. Used by other settings of columns service
  • hidden: names members that should not be serialized
  • visible: names members that must be serialized
  • sortable: names members that support sorting
  • filterable: names members that support filtration/facetting
  • searchable: names members that support search by partial match
  • labels: human readable labels for names members

There are not rules regarding usage of this service. Any serializer, data service or any other service can use information from the columns service or ignore it.

You can also add more properties to this service. For example, if you want to use specific order of columns inside your custom implementation of CSV serializer, you can add order attribute to the columns service and read it during serialization.

If you are not going to share your custom services, you can ignore columns service. Otherwise, it's recommended to keep any column-related options here.

For example, almost all built-in serializers of ckanext-collection use visible/hidden attributes of the columns service to include/exclude certain fields into serialization output. In this way you can switch to a different serializer with a minimal amount of setings and receive the same set of fields serialized into a different format.


>>> col = collection.Collection(
>>>     data_factory=data.ModelData.with_attributes(model=model.User),
>>>     columns_factory=columns.Columns.with_attributes(
>>>         names={"name", "id", "sysadmin"},
>>>         hidden={"id"},
>>>     )
>>> )
>>> serialize.CsvSerializer(col).serialize()
>>> serialize.JsonSerializer(col).serialize()
[{"sysadmibn": true, "name": "default"}]

Available columns factories


Collection of columns details for filtering/rendering.


list of all available columns

TYPE: list[str]


columns that can be viewed

TYPE: set[str]


columns that can be sorted

TYPE: set[str]


columns that can be filtered using exect match

TYPE: set[str]


columns that can be searched by partial match

TYPE: set[str]


UI labels for columns

TYPE: dict[str, str]