
To use an event audit in your extension, you should get an instance of the repository class. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Using the get_repo function:

    import ckanext.event_audit.utils as utils
    repo = utils.get_active_repo()
    event = repo.build_event({"category": "xxx", "action": "xxx"})

    The get_active_repo function will return an instance of the active repository class that is configured in the CKAN configuration file.

  2. Using the get_repo function with a specific repository:

    import ckanext.event_audit.utils as utils
    repo = utils.get_repo("file")
    event = repo.build_event({"category": "xxx", "action": "xxx"})

    The get_repo function will return an instance of the repository class that is specified in the argument. You can use this method to get a specific repository instance.