All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- multipart complete has flags to keep data (810ee4b by Sergey Motornyuk).
- fs storage update
property of multipart via refresh action (51427c6 by Sergey Motornyuk). - user files list replaced by generic file list (3d70bdd by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add MULTIPART to redis storage (e7aed27 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- files_file_replace action (dcdd177 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- transfer_history table (434abda by Sergey Motornyuk).
- libcloud adapter (6594bb9 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add SCAN and ANALYZE to redis storage (96c2706 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- pinned files (3e1db60 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- files_download_info helper (2659ae3 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- validators for file fields (a849247 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add owner details to dictized file (9ffd098 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- restrict list of available storage for authenticated uploads (a075263 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- allow_authenticated_uploads config option (7737b44 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- implement temporal_link for fs (45ec242 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add public_link method to storage (15a685b by Sergey Motornyuk).
- optional hash verification for multipart upload (28e5f69 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add supported_types option for storages to restict upload types (c5b43ac by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add files_file_search action (b8e8b4c by Sergey Motornyuk).
- File.get method (591ec48 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- get_storage without arguments returns default storage (571e021 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- use timezone-aware date columns in model (ae91cc7 by Sergey Motornyuk).
Bug Fixes
- connot complete upload because of cache (95c41e7 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- fix file item css style (46bef83 by mutantsan).
- fix max file num bug (bc46268 by mutantsan).
- fixing multiple widget instance support, write doc strings (a017b42 by mutantsan).
- fix destroying the progress bar on fail (61d15aa by mutantsan).
- fix display snippet word wrapping (8b645f2 by mutantsan).
- media file event hang if item doesn't exist yet (d8c7a2a by mutantsan).
Code Refactoring
- Storage constructor accepts a single dictionary with settings (285ddc7 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- remove HashingReader.reset (7e67d5f by Sergey Motornyuk).
- do not allow str as upload source (cae738d by Sergey Motornyuk).
- Capability.combine removed (332c1a4 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- access column removed from owner table and now only single owner allowed (f8d385d by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add completed flag for rename, show and delete actions for simultaneous file and multipart support. (10fb202 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- rename files_upload_show to files_multipart_refresh (ee2a4df by Sergey Motornyuk).
- add kwargs to all Storage methods and extras to all service methods (1526df1 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- rename Storage and Uploader multipart_upload into multipart for consistency with actions (ddfd111 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- rename files_upload_ actions to files_multipart_(initialize changed to start) (6493a1d by Sergey Motornyuk).
- rename MULTIPART_UPLOAD capability to MULTIPART (20d01bf by Sergey Motornyuk).
- use custom dataclass for Upload instead of werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage (78ae63b by Sergey Motornyuk).
- move hash, size, location(former filename) and content_type to the top level of file entity (45a2679 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- extract File.completed==False into Multipart model (d90d786 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- use dataclasses instead of dict in storage (4965568 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- storage_from_settings renamed to make_storage (08fd767 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- transform combine_capabilities and exclude_capabilities into Capability methods (73d32d4 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- replace CapabilityCluster and CapabilityUnit with Capability (16d3b7e by Sergey Motornyuk).
- remove re-imported types from ckanext.files.types (4b9e870 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- remove support of CKAN pre v2.10 (3e70bc2 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- UnsupportedOperationError constructed with adapter type instead of name (55d038d by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.3.1 - 2024-05-22
- generic_download view (d000446 by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.3.0 - 2024-05-16
- files_uploader plugin compatible with native uploader interface (31aaaa6 by Sergey Motornyuk).
Bug Fixes
- upload errors rendered outside of view box (48005ed by Sergey Motornyuk).
- upload errors in actions not tracked (530c6d9 by Sergey Motornyuk).
Code Refactoring
- disallow file creation via auth function (0db289b by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.0.6 - 2024-04-24
Bug Fixes
- declarations are missing from the package (15fa97b by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.2.6 - 2024-04-24
Bug Fixes
- declarations are missing from the package (16c4999 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- catch permission error on delete (9e6d799 by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.2.4 - 2024-04-15
- add dropzone and immediate upload (0486a00 by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.2.3 - 2024-04-07
- file search by plugin data (9dc51bd by Sergey Motornyuk).
- multipart uploaders accept initialize/complete payloads in JS (97d9933 by Sergey Motornyuk).
Bug Fixes
- python2 fails when content-length accessed (6e99315 by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.2.2 - 2024-03-18
v0.2.1 - 2024-03-18
- add move and copy operations (577b537 by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.2.0 - 2024-03-12
- UI for file uploads (4121e6f by Sergey Motornyuk).
- redis storage (cced1e8 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- multipart upload api (96051d4 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- GCS storage (cc5ee76 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- split files into Storage and File (71a7765 by Sergey Motornyuk).
Code Refactoring
- switch to typescript (dfb5060 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- full type coverage (f399582 by Sergey Motornyuk).
- get rid of blankets (dfe901c by Sergey Motornyuk).
- make types py2 compatible (c099dfc by Sergey Motornyuk).
- remove ckanext-toolbelt dependency (dc885c7 by Sergey Motornyuk).
v0.0.5 - 2024-02-26
Bug Fixes
- fix auth functions (c76d5ff by mutantsan).
- collection type without generic (0647355 by Sergey Motornyuk).