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ckanext-files register files entrypoint under ckan command. Commands below must be executed as ckan -c $CKAN_INI files <COMMAND>.



ckan files adapters

List all available storage adapters.

Option Effect
-v/--verbose Include adapter's docstring



ckan files storages

List all configured storages.

Option Effect
-v/--verbose Include storage's capabilities

stream FILE_ID


ckan files stream b9483985-2681-4647-9b0f-f4acb4fd0fd3 -o /tmp

Stream content of the file to STDOUT. For non-textual files use output redirection stream ID > file.ext. Alternatively, output destination can be specified via -o option. If it contains path to directory, inside this directory will be created file with the same name as streamed item. Otherwise, OUTPUT is used as filename.

--start and --end can be used to receive a fragment of the file. Only positive values are guaranteed to work with any storage that supports STREAM. Some storages support negative values for these options and count them from the end of file. I.e --start -10 reads last 10 bytes of file. --end -1 reads till the last byte, but the last byte is not included into output.

Option Effect
-o/--output Stream into specified file or directory
--start Start streaming from specified position
--end End streaming at position



ckan files scan

List all files that exist in storage. Works only if storage supports SCAN. By default shows content of default storage. -s/--storage-name option changes target storage.

-u/--untracked-only flag shows only untracked files, that has no corresponding record in DB. Can be used to identify leftovers after removing data from portal.

-t/--track flag registers any untracked file by creating DB record for it. Can be used only when ANALYZE is supported. Files are created without an owner. Use -a/--adopt-by option with user ID to give ownership over new files to the specified user. Can be used when configuring a new storage connected to existing location with files.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage
-u/--untracked-only Show only untracked files
-t/--track Track every untracked file
-a/--adopt-by Transfer every file affected by -t flag to specified user


Group of commands for computing storage statistics.



ckan files stats overview

General information about storage usage.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage



ckan files stats owner

Files distribution by owner.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage



ckan files stats types

Files distribution by MIMEtype.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage
-v/--verbose Do not group records by owner ID instead of owner type


Group of commands for storage maintenance.



ckan files maintain empty-owner --remove

Manage files that have no owner.

In normal workflow every file has an owner. Usually, unowned files appear after performing scan with --track flag. Prefer transfering such files to an owner or removing them.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage
--remove Remove all located files



ckan files maintain invalid-owner --remove

Manage files that have owner details, but owner itself cannot be located.

There are no restrictions for owner type and ID values. It's possible to assign absolutely any value to these attributes. But usually owner type refers to the name of CKAN model, and owner ID refers to model's ID. ckanext-files can locate owners that are specified in such way.

Extensions can use different logic, but in this case, they need to extend owner location logic and explain, how custom owners can be found.

As result, if owner of file is specified but cannot be found, it means that owner was removed from DB. Prefer transfering such files to a different owner or removing them.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage
--remove Remove all located files



ckan files maintain missing-files --remove

Manage files that do not exist in storage.

Such items appear when real file is removed from the storage manually. For example, by running rm -f /path/to/file in case of files:fs storage.

These files must be removed from DB as well. Usually, there is no sense in storing metadata of content that is no longer available.

Option Effect
-s/--storage-name Name of the target storage
--remove Remove all located files


Group of commands for migration from different storage implementations.


This is experimental command and migration process can change in the stable release of ckanext-files.



ckan files migrate groups group_images

Migrate group images to specified storage.



ckan files migrate users user_images

Migrate user avatars to specified storage.

local-resources STORAGE_NAME


ckan files migrate local-resources resources

Migrate resources uploaded via original ResourceUploader.