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Example implementation of custom storage adapter

Storage consist of the storage object that dispatches operation requests and 3 services that do the actual job: Reader, Uploader and Manager. To define a custom storage, you need to extend the main storage class, describe storage logic and register storage via IFiles.files_get_storage_adapters.

Let's implement DB storage. It will store files in SQL table using SQLAlchemy. There will be just one requirement for the table: it must have column for storing unique identifier of the file and another column for storing content of the file as bytes.


For the sake of simplicity, our storage will work only with existing tables. Create the table manually before we begin.


First of all, we create an adapter that does nothing and register it in our plugin.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any
import sqlalchemy as sa

import ckan.plugins as p
from ckan.model.types import make_uuid
from ckanext.files import shared

class ExamplePlugin(p.SingletonPlugin):
    def files_get_storage_adapters(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return {"example:db": DbStorage}

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):

After installing and enabling your custom plugin, you can configure storage with this adapter by adding a single new line to config file: = files:db

But if you check storage via ckan files storages -v, you'll see that it can't do anything.

ckan files storages -v

... db: example:db
...        Supports: Capability.NONE
...        Does not support: Capability.REMOVE|STREAM|CREATE|...


Before we start uploading files, let's make sure that storage has proper configuration. As files will be stored in the DB table, we need the name of the table and DB connection string. Let's assume that table already exists, but we don't know which columns to use for files. So we need name of column for content and for file's unique identifier. ckanext-files uses term location instead of identifier, so we'll do the same in our implementation.

There are 4 required options in total:

  • db_url: DB connection string
  • table: name of the table
  • location_column: name of column for file's unique identifier
  • content_column: name of column for file's content


It's not mandatory, but is highly recommended that you declare config options for the adapter. It can be done via Storage.declare_config_options class method, which accepts declaration object and key namespace for storage options.

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):

    def declare_config_options(cls, declaration, key):

And we probably want to initialize DB connection when storage is initialized. For this we'll extend constructor, which must be defined as method accepting keyword-only arguments:

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):

    def __init__(self, settings: Any):
        db_url = self.ensure_option(settings, "db_url")

        self.engine = sa.create_engine(db_url)
        self.location_column = sa.column(
            self.ensure_option(settings, "location_column")
        self.content_column = sa.column(self.ensure_option(settings, "content_column"))
        self.table = sa.table(
            self.ensure_option(settings, "table"),

You can notice that we are using Storage.ensure_option quite often. This method returns the value of specified option from settings or raises an exception.

The table definition and columns are saved as storage attributes, to simplify building SQL queries in future.


Now we are going to define classes for all 3 storage services and tell storage, how to initialize these services.

There are 3 services: Reader, Uploader and Manager. Each of them initialized via corresponding storage method: make_reader, make_uploader and make_manager. And each of them accepts a single argument during creation, the storage itself.

class DbStorage(shared.Storage):
    def make_reader(self):
        return DbReader(self)

    def make_uploader(self):
        return DbUploader(self)

    def make_manager(self):
        return DbManager(self)

class DbReader(shared.Reader):

class DbUploader(shared.Uploader):

class DbManager(shared.Manager):


Our first target is Uploader service. It's responsible for file creation. For the minimal implementation it needs upload method and capabilities attribute which tells the storage, what exactly the Uploader can do.

class DbUploader(shared.Uploader):
    capabilities = shared.Capability.CREATE

    def upload(
        location: str,
        upload: shared.Upload,
        extras: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> shared.FileData:

upload receives the location(name) of the uploaded file; upload object with file's content; and extras dictionary that contains any additional arguments that can be passed to uploader. We are going to ignore location and generate a unique UUID for every uploaded file instead of using user-defined filename.

The goal is to write the file into DB and return shared.FileData that contains location of the file in DB(value of location_column), size of the file in bytes, MIMEtype of the file and hash of file content.

For location we'll just use ckan.model.types.make_uuid function. Size and MIMEtype are already available as upload.size and upload.content_type.

The only problem is hash of the content. You can compute it in any way you like, but there is a simple option if you have no preferences. upload has hashing_reader method, which returns an iterable for file content. When you read file through it, content hash is automatically computed and you can get it using get_hash method of the reader.

Just make sure to read the whole file before checking the hash, because hash computed using consumed content. I.e, if you just create the hashing reader, but do not read a single byte from it, you'll receive the hash of empty string. If you read just 1 byte, you'll receive the hash of this single byte, etc.

The easiest option for you is to call method to consume the whole file and then call reader.get_hash() to receive the hash.

Here's the final implementation of DbUploader:

class DbUploader(shared.Uploader):
    capabilities = shared.Capability.CREATE

    def upload(self, location: str, upload: shared.Upload, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> shared.FileData:
        uuid = make_uuid()
        reader = upload.hashing_reader()

        values = {
        stmt = sa.insert(, values)

        result =

        return shared.FileData(

Now you can upload file into your new db storage:

ckanapi action files_file_create storage=db name=hello.txt upload@<(echo -n 'hello world')

...  "atime": null,
...  "content_type": "text/plain",
...  "ctime": "2024-06-17T13:48:52.121755+00:00",
...  "hash": "5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3",
...  "id": "bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24",
...  "location": "5a4472b3-cf38-4c58-81a6-4d4acb7b170e",
...  "mtime": null,
...  "name": "hello.txt",
...  "owner_id": "59ea0f6c-5c2f-438d-9d2e-e045be9a2beb",
...  "owner_type": "user",
...  "pinned": false,
...  "size": 11,
...  "storage": "db",
...  "storage_data": {}


File is created, but you cannot read it just yet. Try running ckan files stream CLI command with file ID:

ckan files stream bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24

... Operation stream is not supported by db storage
... Aborted!

As expected, you have to write extra code.

Streaming, reading and generating links is a responsibility of Reader service. We only need stream method for minimal implementation. This method receives shared.FileData object(the same object as the one returned from Uploader.upload) and extras containing all additional arguments passed by the caller. The result is any iterable producing bytes.

We'll use location property of shared.FileData as a value for location_column inside the table.

And don't forget to add STREAM capability to Reader.capabilities.

class DbReader(shared.Reader):
    capabilities = shared.Capability.STREAM

    def stream(self, data: shared.FileData, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> Iterable[bytes]:
        stmt = (
            .where( == data.location)
        row =

        return row


The result may be confusing: we returning Row object from the stream method. But our goal is to return any iterable that produces bytes. Row is iterable(tuple-like). And it contains only one item - value of column with file content, i.e, bytes. So it satisfies the requirements.

Now you can check content via CLI once again.

ckan files stream bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24

... hello world


Finally, we need to add file removal for the minimal implementation. And it also nice to to have SCAN capability, as it shows all files currently available in storage, so we add it as bonus. These operations handled by Manager. We need remove and scan methods. Arguments are already familiar to you. As for results:

  • remove: return True if file was successfully removed. Should return False if file does not exist, but it's allowed to return True as long as you are not checking the result.
  • scan: return iterable with all file locations
class DbManager(shared.Manager):
    storage: DbStorage
    capabilities = shared.Capability.SCAN | shared.Capability.REMOVE

    def scan(self, extras: dict[str, Any]) -> Iterable[str]:
        stmt =
        for row in
            yield row[0]

    def remove(
        data: shared.FileData | shared.MultipartData,
        extras: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> bool:
        stmt = sa.delete(
   == data.location,
        return True

Now you can list the all the files in storage:

ckan files scan -s db

And remove file using ckanaapi and file ID

ckanapi action files_file_delete id=bdfc0268-d36d-4f1b-8a03-2f2aaa21de24

That's all you need for the basic storage. But check definition of base storage and services to find details about other methods. And also check implementation of other storages for additional ideas.