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Resource uploads

Configure named storage for resources. Use files:ckan_resource_fs storage adapter.

Storage name

This extension expects that the name of resources storage will be resources. This name will be used in all other commands of this migration workflow. If you want to use different name for resources storage, override ckanext.files.resources_storage config option which has default value resources and don't forget to adapt commands if you use a different name for the storage.

Location must match value of ckan.storage_path option, followed by resources directory. In example below we assume that value of ckan.storage_path is /var/storage/ckan.

Size restriction

Example below sets 10MiB limit on resource size. Modify it if you are using different limit set by ckan.max_resource_size.

Unlike group and user images, this storage does not need upload type restriction and public_root. = files:ckan_resource_fs = 10MiB = /var/storage/ckan/resources

Check the list of untracked files available inside newly configured storage:

ckan files scan -s resources -u

Track all these files:

ckan files scan -s resources -t

Re-check that now you see no untracked files:

ckan files scan -s resources -u

Transfer file ownership to corresponding resources. In addition to simple ownership transfer, this command will ask you, whether you want to modify resource's url_type and url fields. It's required to move file management to files extension completely and enable possibility of migration to different storage type.

If you accept resource modifications, for every file owner url_type will be changed to file and url will be changed to file ID. Then all modified packages will be reindexed.

Changing url_type means that some pages will change. For example, instead of Download button CKAN will show you Go to resource button on the resource page, because Download label is specific to url_type=upload. And some views may stop working as well. But this is safer option for migration, than leaving url_type unchanged: ckanext-files manages files in its own way and some assumptions about files will not work anymore, so using different url_type is the fastest way to tell everyone that something changed.

Broken views can be easily fixed. Every view implemented as a separate plugin. You always can inherit from this plugin and override methods that relied on different behavior. And a lot of views work with file URL directly, so they won't even see the difference.

ckan files migrate local-resources resources

And the next goal is correct metadata schema. If you are using ckanext-scheming, you need to modify validators of url and format fields.

If you are working with native schemas, you have to modify dataset schema via implementing IDatasetForm. Here's an example:

from ckan.lib.plugins import DefaultDatasetForm
from ckan.logic import schema

class FilesDatasetPlugin(p.SingletonPlugin, DefaultDatasetForm):
    p.implements(p.IDatasetForm, inherit=True)

    def is_fallback(self):
        return True

    def package_types(self):
        return ["dataset"]

    def _modify_schema(self, schema):
        schema["resources"]["format"].insert(0, tk.get_validator("files_content_type_from_file")("url"))

    def create_package_schema(self):
        sch = schema.default_create_package_schema()
        return sch

    def update_package_schema(self):
        sch = schema.default_update_package_schema()
        return sch

    def show_package_schema(self):
        sch = schema.default_show_package_schema()
        return sch

Both create and update schemas are updated in the same way. We add a new validator to format field, to correctly identify file format. And there is a number of new validators for url:

  • files_verify_url_type_and_value: skip validation if we are not working with resource that contains file.
  • files_file_id_exists: verify existence of file ID
  • files_transfer_ownership("resource","id"): move file ownership to resource after successful validation

At top of this, we also have two validators applied to show_package_schema(use output_validators in ckanext-scheming):

  • files_verify_url_type_and_value: skip validation if we are not working with resource that contains file.
  • files_id_into_resource_download_url: replace file ID with download URL in API output

And the next part is the trickiest. You need to create a number of templates and JS modules. But because ckanext-files is actively developed, most likely, your custom files will be outdated pretty soon.

Instead, we recommend enabling patch for resource form that shipped with ckanext-files. It's a bit hacky, but because the extension itself is stil in alpha-stage, it should be acceptable. Check file upload strategies for examples of implementation that you can add to your portal instead of the default patch.

To enable patch for templates, add following line to the config file:

ckanext.files.enable_resource_migration_template_patch = true

This option adds Add file button to resource form

button on resource form

Upon clicking, this button is replaced by widget that supports uploading new files of selecting previously uploaded files that are not used by any resource yet

expanded widget on resource form