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JavaScript utilities


ckanext-files does not provide stable CKAN JS modules at the moment. Try creating your own widgets and share with us your examples or requirements. We'll consider creating and including widgets into ckanext-files if they are generic enough for majority of the users.

ckanext-files registers few utilities inside CKAN JS namespace to help with building UI components.

First group of utilities registered inside CKAN Sandbox. Inside CKAN JS modules it's accessible as this.sandbox. If you are writing code outside of JS modules, Sandbox can be initialized via call to ckan.sandbox()

const sandbox = ckan.sandbox()

When files plugin loaded, sandbox contains files attribute with two members:

  • upload: high-level helper for uploding files.
  • makeUploader: factory for uploader-objects that gives more control over upload process.

The simplest way to upload the file is using upload helper.

await sandbox.files.upload(
    new File(["file content"], "name.txt", {type: "text/plain"}),

This function uploads file to default storage via files_file_create action. Extra parameters for API call can be passed using second argument of upload helper. Use an object with requestParams key. Value of this key will be added to standard API request parameters. For example, if you want to use storage with name memory and field with value custom:

await sandbox.files.upload(
    new File(["file content"], "name.txt", {type: "text/plain"}),
    {requestParams: {storage: "memory", field: "custom"}}

If you need more control over upload, you can create an uploader and interact with it directly, instead of using upload helper.

Uploader is an object that uploads file to server. It extends base uploader, which defines standard interface for this object. Uploader perfroms all the API calls internally and returns uploaded file details. Out of the box you can use Standard and Multipart uploaders. Standard uses files_file_create API action and specializes on normal uploads. Multipart relies on files_multipart_* actions and can be used to pause and continue upload.

To create uploader instance, pass its name as a string to makeUploader. And then you can call upload method of the uploader to perform the actual upload. This method requires two arguments:

  • the file object
  • object with additional parameters of API request, the same as requestParams from example above. If you want to use default parameters, pass an empty object. If you want to use memory storage, pass {storage: "memory"}, etc.
const uploader = sandbox.files.makeUploader("Standard")
await uploader.upload(new File(["file content"], "name.txt", {type: "text/plain"}), {})

One of the reasons to use manually created uploader is progress tracking. Uploader supports event subscriptions via uploader.addEventListener(event, callback) and here's the list of possible upload events:

  • start: file upload started. Event has detail property with object that contains uploaded file as file.
  • multipartid: multipart upload initialized. Event has detail property with object that contains uploaded file as file and ID of multipart upload as id.
  • progress: another chunk of file was transferred to server. Event has detail property with object that contains uploaded file as file, number of loaded bytes as loaded and total number of bytes that must be transferred as total.
  • finish: file upload successfully finished. Event has detail property with object that contains uploaded file as file and file details from API response as result.
  • fail: file upload failed. Event has detail property with object that contains uploaded file as file and object with CKAN validation errors as reasons.
  • error: error unrelated to validation happened during upload, like call to non-existing action. Event has detail property with object that contains uploaded file as file and error as message.

If you want to use upload helper with customized uploader, there are two ways to do it.

  • pass adapter property with uploader name inside second argument of upload helper:
    await sandbox.files.upload(new File(...), {adapter: "Multipart"})
  • pass uploader property with uploader instance inside second argument of upload helper:
    const uploader = sandbox.files.makeUploader("Multipart")
    await sandbox.files.upload(new File(...), {uploader})

The second group of ckanext-files utilities is available as ckan.CKANEXT_FILES object. This object mainly serves as extension and configuration point for sandbox.files.

ckan.CKANEXT_FILES.adapters is a collection of all classes that can be used to initialize uploader. It contains Standard, Multipart and Base classes. Standard and Multipart can be used as is, while Base must be extended by your custom uploader class. Add your custom uploader classes to adapters, to make them available application-wide:

class MyUploader extends Base { ... }

ckan.CKANEXT_FILES.adapters["My"] = MyUploader;

await sandbox.files.upload(new File(...), {adapter: "My"})

ckan.CKANEXT_FILES.defaultSettings contain the object with default settings available as this.settings inside any uploader. You can change the name of the storage used by all uploaders using this object. Note, changes will apply only to uploaders initialized after modification. = "memory"