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It's possible to configure multiple storages at once and specify which one you want to use for the individual file upload. Up until now we used the following storage options:


All of them have a common prefix and it's a key for using multiple storages simultaneously.

Every option of the storage follows the pattern:<STORAGE_NAME>.<OPTION>. As all the options above contain default on position of <STORAGE_NAME>, they are related to the default storage.

If you want to configure a storage with the name custom change the configuration of storage: = files:fs = /tmp/example = true

And, if you want to use Redis-based storage named memory and filesystem-based storage named default, use the following configuration: = files:redis = files:fs = /tmp/example = true

The default storage is special. ckanext-files use it by default, as name suggests. If you remove configuration for the default storage and try to create a file, you'll see the following error:

echo 'hello world' > /tmp/myfile.txt
ckanapi action files_file_create name=hello.txt upload@/tmp/myfile.txt

... ckan.logic.ValidationError: None - {'storage': ['Storage default is not configured']}

Storage default is not configured. That's why we need default configuration. But if you want to upload a file into a different storage or you don't want to add the default storage at all, you can always specify explicitly the name of the storage you are going to use.

When using API actions, add storage parameter to the call:

echo 'hello world' > /tmp/myfile.txt
ckanapi action files_file_create name=hello.txt \
    upload@/tmp/myfile.txt storage=memory

When writing python code, pass storage name to get_storage function:

storage = get_storage("memory")

When writing JS code, pass object {requestParams: {storage: "memory"}} to upload function:

const sandbox = ckan.sandbox()
const file = new File(["content"], "file.txt")
const options = {requestParams: {storage: "memory"}};

await sandbox.files.upload(file, options)