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File creation is not allowed by default. Only sysadmin can use files_file_create and files_multipart_start actions. This is done deliberately: uncontrolled uploads can turn your portal into user's personal cloud-storage.

There are three ways to grant upload permission to normal users.

The 👎 BAD option is simple. Enable ckanext.files.authenticated_uploads.allow config option and every registered user will be allowed to upload files. But only into default storage. If you want to change the list of storages available to common user, specify storage names as ckanext.files.authenticated_uploads.storages option.

The 👌 GOOD option is relatively simple. Define chained auth function with name files_file_create. It's called whenever user initiates an upload. Now you can decide whether user is allowed to upload files with specified parameters.

The 👍 BEST option is to leave this restriction unchanged. Do not allow any user to call files_file_create. Instead, create a new action for your goal. ckanext-files isn't a solution - it's a tool that helps you in building the solution.

If you need to add documents field to dataset that contains uploaded PDF files, create a separate action dataset_document_attach. Specify access rules and validation for it. Or even hardcode the storage that will be used for uploads. And then, from this new action, call files_file_create with ignore_auth: True.

In this way you control every side of uploading documents into dataset and do not accidentally break other functionality, because every other feature will define its own action.