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Ownership transfer

File ownership can be transfered. As there can be only one owner of the file, as soon as you transfer ownership over file, you yourself do not own this file.

To transfer ownership, use files_transfer_ownership action and specify id of the file, owner_id and owner_type of the new owner.

You can't just transfer ownership to anyone. You either must pass IFiles.files_owner_allows check for file_transfer operation, or pass a cascade access check for the future owner of the file when cascade access and transfer-as-update is enabled.

For example, if you have the following options in config file:

ckanext.files.owner.cascade_access = organization
ckanext.files.owner.transfer_as_update = true
you must pass organization_update auth function if you want to transfer file ownership to organization.

In addition, file can be pinned. In this way we mark important files. Imagine the resource and its uploaded file. The link to this file is used by resource and we don't want this file to be accidentally transfered to someone else. We pin the file and now nobody can transfer the file without explicit confirmation of his intention.

There are two ways to move pinned file:

  • you can call files_file_unpin first and then transfer the ownership via separate API call
  • you can pass force parameter to files_transfer_ownership